Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Random Thanksgiving post

A short but random post.....

Some things to Remember and be Thankful for.

Lets all be Thankful for what we have and do the best we can. Do the best you can with what you have, PERIOD.

Remember, no-one is perfect and don’t worry about what other people think or have.

Take it one day at a time and one foot in front of the other, breath in positive energy and exhale out the negative.

Spend quality time with your family.....and buy less stuff, fewer toys and video game and watch less TV.  Go outside and play in the leaves, go on a hike, or just play in the yard, those are the memories that you and your children will remember, not the 'stuff.' 

Go out and make memories this Thanksgiving and be THANKFUL. 

Here is a short list of things I am thankful for this Year.
-my health and my family's health
-my children
-my family, friends
-the ability to buy, grow and access real food for my family
-my clients and friends that are always referring people and believe in my abilities.
-the farmers market and the farmers who make it happen
-warm blankets and snuggles with kids(and cats and dogs)
-my job and the ability to do what I love all the time
-my short but rapid following on FB and the wonderful group of people who want to change
-a home, car, clothes and a bed
-all past, present and future military men and women who fight daily for our freedoms

In all seriousness...I wish I had enough time to list everything and everyone I am thankful for, but I don't.  I wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. 


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nourishing Pod-cast #2

We are up and running with our second pod-cast.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Melanie for our second pod-cast.....What a great story and how she transitioned into a holistic lifestyle and the path that her illness led her down.  Melanie has a lot of great information to share.  I hope you all enjoy.

Nourishing Podcast Episode 2 

You can also subscribe by following this link : podcast #2 or this one

As always, if you have questions for us, you can email us at
Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Is your body filled with toxic waste?

You are what you eat - You are also what you eat, eats.
Eat organic, pastured, raw, local food whenever possible and know what your animals consume if you choose to eat them.  If your beef eats corn, candy, manure and dead chickens, guess what you are eating?  Yup! corn, candy, manure and dead chickens!  If they are pumped up with antibiotics and hormones, those too are part of the meat.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Nourishing Podcast

The Nourishing Podcast #1

Well, here it is. The first official Podcast for 'The Nourishing Podcast.' I am still trying to figure out the computer side of linking to pictures and such, but you can at least link from the options below until I figure the rest out, I hope.

I am so excited to get our first podcast out to the world.   I hope this becomes something that everyone can learn from and share with others.  This first interview is all about me and what I do.  I hope you enjoy :o)

Other links for the podcast are available here:
The Grecian Garden
